Learning from Wright (I): Antonin and Noémi Raymond
Architects Koichi Kitazawa and Kyosuke Matono both worked for famed Czech-born
American architect Antonin Raymond, and shared their personal and professional experiences. Antonin and
Noémi Raymond first joined Frank Lloyd Wright at Taliesin in 1916. They then accompanied him to Tokyo
in late 1919 to assist him on the Imperial Hotel. Raymond started his own firm in 1920 and made major
contributions to Japan's modern architecture for 43 years.
Kitazawa, a student of Wright apprentice Taro Amano, worked for Raymond from 1966-1973. He has been the owner-caretaker of Raymond's New Karuizawa Studio since purchasing it shortly before the Raymonds returned to the U.S. in 1973. He is the president of Kitazawa Architects and Associates.
Matono has worked for the Raymond Architectural Office since 1960 and is currently an advisor to the board of directors. Over the years, he worked on the Tokyo Golf Club and other country club projects, oversaw the renovation of Raymond's Italian Embassy Villa, and organized the company's archives.