The Wright Spirit in Karuizawa:
Buildings by Wright Apprentices

Participants toured six private residences and one museum over the course of two days in beautiful Karuizawa, one of Japan's leading resort areas: Antonin Raymond's New Karuizawa Studio and Summer House; Raku Endo's Matsudaira house and Andreas Stricker houses I, II; and Koichi Kitazawa's Yu Sanso.

WAAJ's tour guides were both practicing architects who own two of the buildings on the tour. Koichi Kitazawa, who was a student of Wright apprentice Taro Amano, worked for Czech-born American architect Antonin Raymond from 1966-1973. He has been the owner-caretaker of Raymond's New Karuizawa Studio since purchasing it shortly before the Raymonds returned to the U.S. in 1973.

Yoko Fujikawa graduated from Jiyu Gakuen School (campus designed by Wright's righthand man, Arata Endo, and his son and Wright apprentice Raku Endo). She worked for Raku Endo before starting her own practice. She welcomed WAAJ's visitor's to her family's Raku-designed vacation home.